Windows 10 will push some updates over limited data plans

Windows 10's Creators Update should generally be more considerate when delivering updates, but you might not be the biggest fan if you have limited internet service
. Microsoft has confirmed that the new version of Windows will automatically download updates "required to keep Windows running smoothly" even when you're on a metered connection. What does that mean, exactly? A spokesperson tells Supersite Windows that the operating system will avoid pushing "large" patches and will focus on "critical fixes," but it's not clear where the threshold will be.

This generally won't be an issue if you're an avid internet user with an unlimited service plan or a relatively high data cap. However, it might pose a problem if you have a low cap (such as on satellite broadband) or have to pay based on usage. While this could save you from a major malware threat or a showstopping bug, you might not be so happy if you end up paying an overage fee just to get that important fix.

Via: Neowin

Source: Supersite Windows
