Tips for Appropriate Scrubs Care

Image result for Tips for Appropriate Scrubs CareWhen your requirements as a nurse begin to take their toll on your uniform, you may be ready to buy more affordable scrubs in OKC. Unfortunately, there are some scrubs that just aren’t designed to work as hard as you do.
Avoid struggling to keep your scrubs in good shape with a few simple steps.
Carefully Choose Your Supplier

All manufacturers and brands of scrubs are not the same. If you make your purchase based on convenience and price alone, you may find that you’re having to repeatedly replace your uniform. This won’t save you any money in the long run.

Pre-Treat Scrubs With a Simple Vinegar Wash

This simple step is a great way to protect the color of the fabric from fading and to strengthen the fabric against repeated disinfectant washes to come. Simply run your new scrubs through a cold water batch with about half a cup of vinegar.

Treat Stains Before Washing

Those who are experienced with handling a lot of stained clothes will tell you to remove stains before putting them in the wash. By rinsing as much of the stain out before you run your scrubs through a wash, you’ll save yourself a lot of grief. After working to remove stains with cold water and some elbow grease, treat the stains with a color-safe remover before tossing them in the washing machine.

Double Wash Your Scrubs

Affordable scrubs in OKC should be able to stand up to double washes that can extend the length of time that you’re able to wear the uniform. Many nurses run their scrubs through a cold water wash first with plenty of water. After the first cycle, check for stains. The second wash cycle should be run with hot water and color-safe bleach.

Visit With Other Nurses

If you are new to the use of affordable scrubs in OKC, you can get some great tips from other nurses with more experience. Do you have other tips to share?
