Computer errors will definitely make you machine to slow down in speed which can be very inconveniencing. There are several reasons that can cause your PC to have errors such as continued use or viruses. It is therefore important to limit the use of your computer by not leaving it running all through. However, whenever you experience this problem, you can be able to fix this
problem more easily without spending even a penny. As soon as you encounter errors, do not assume, try as much as you can to fix them so that the whole machine does not run down.
On your PC, there is the error checking utility, utilize this tool to check and detect any errors as well as repair disk errors. This will mean that you close all programs that are running. Applications as well as documents On your computer, there is the my computer menu, right click on it so as to select on properties, then on tools where several options will appears, select on the check now tab which has the scan and attempt recover options, this will be applied on bad sectors on your PC. The will automatically fix the file system and any other errors that may be detected. This process is important and simple to follow as long as you are computer literate and it will locate and at the same time fix any bad sectors in your PC which slows down your machine. This process of automatically fixing bad sectors can be run at least once per week.
You can also be able to run a system scan via the use of antivirus. This software is available in the market or can be downloaded on the internet. It is however advised to use a reputable antivirus that can be bale to detect the entire virus and fix them at once.
Another way in which you can fix PC errors is by ensuring that hardware devices in your machine are of correct versions. In case a wrong version is uploaded, it will cause errors most often which will slow down the performance of your PC. It is also good to perform hard disk defragmentation and clean up. This will help detect any errors and fix them.
After a lot of research on the registry cleaner comparison [http://www.bestregistrycleanerhelp.com/registry-cleaner-comparison/], it is proved that Registry Easy [http://www.pcregistryfixed.com/] is one of the best programs that will increase the performance of your system.
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