Screen Cleaners Extend The Life Of Your Electronics
Regardless of whether you have cell phones, iPads, TVs, or laptop computers, or all the devices under the sun, you have spent a lot of your hard-earned money on these devices. You want to keep them looking sharp and operating as long as possible. Replacing them can be very expensive. Some electronics need to be replaced sooner than normal because of lack of care and upkeep.
A very simple way to keep your devices lasting longer is to clean them regularly with products like screen cleaners, eliminating not only dust and grime, but also germs and bacteria.
Other Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Electronics
- turn them off when you aren't using them
- don't leave your electronics by something extremely hot, like a furnace
- don't leave your electronics by something freezing, like a freezer
- don't leave your electronics exposed to the elements, like in the sun or on a patio or deck
- don't leave your devices in the car
- take advantage of the cases and protectors that are on the market
- keep them ventilated, especially laptops and gaming consoles
- with Apple products, make sure the device says it's ready to be unplugged before you disconnect any cables
- keep your device protection up to date (antivirus, firewalls, etcetera)
- don't keep your electronics on dirty surfaces, like the floor
- dust off your electronics once a month or so and then try to do a deep clean once every three to six months or so
- a more advanced tactic is to take apart your device for a deep clean, like taking the battery out of a phone and cleaning the connectors, but that's solely up to personal comfort level
- don't overcharge or abuse your devices, stick to only using what you need or charging what you need
- don't cheap out too much, studies have shown that if you buy too cheap you end up paying more in the long run when you have to replace the device at triple the frequency
The Pristine Screen Solution
Our screen cleaners offer you the perfect solution if you're looking for a way to clean the screens of your electronics in a way that's non-toxic, non-abrasive and long-lasting. This ensures that the screens of your electronics are being cleaned in a way that is safe for you and your family, as well as safe for your equipment.
Get FREE Samples of our screen cleaners at http://www.pristinescreens.com or call us at 800-540-5971
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